Friday, 8 January 2016

Maybe A New Way To Promote Your Kindle Free Days

So, over the course of the last couple of weeks I've been racking my brains trying to think of other ways that I can maximise exposure for my books when I set them free on Amazon. Like most Indie authors I think I've tried just about every marketing possibility there is and in my case with very little success.

Even with promotions I'm lucky if I see a maximum of five (or if its a good day) ten downloads of my free book. As soon as the offer ends everything flat-lines again. It's no big secret that to get decent exposure on Amazon an authors book has to be downloaded hundreds of times. At this point it doesn't really matter if the people who download the book read it or not, the main goal is to gain enough exposure so that your real readers will notice your book.

 My idea is relatively simple, and for all I know, may already have been tried, but here goes: I was thinking of creating a hashtag on twitter that each and every author can use to promote their free book. Yes, I know there are other hashtags for that purpose, but this time rather than just aimlessly tweeting and hoping for the best, if each author took a few minutes of their day to go download some of the free books listed under that tag it could help kick-start their business.

It's just a thought since I've ran out of ideas to promote my own books, and with no funds to pay for advertising their is very little options open to try and gain some ground. I'll be very interested to hear what you all think.

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